How We Can Pay For Ourselves

A good property manager should be able to save you, and even make you, enough money to cover some or all of the costs of professional property management.

Find a Tenant Sooner

We know how to market your property to appeal to todays tenants. Most tenants will scroll through rental ads on a smart phone looking at the photos and bullet point features. They don’t read a full paragraph describing the emotional appeal of the property. That takes too long. They want the highlights in order to decide if they want to invest more time. We are sure to use quality photos and bullet point the “hot button” features of your property to quickly grab attention and further exploration.

How a property manager pays for himself - Kircland property management

Quicker Move In:

Once we have an acceptable applicant, we know how to get them to move in a little sooner, resulting a few days or a few weeks of extra rent.

Quicker Turnover:

Between occupants, a property may need some sprucing up, painting, or even more involved upgrades. A vacant property is not producing any income and a delay waiting to get on the schedule of an outside contractor is money out of your pocket. With our in-house maintenance team, we are able to quickly jump into action, getting your property ready and on the market in record time. An extra 2 days or 2 weeks of rent is money right back in your pocket.

Keeping a Good Tenant in Place:

By taking good care of good tenants, we keep them in your home longer. With good communication and respect for the tenants’ rights and needs, we can keep a good tenant in place, with annual rent increases. Finding a new tenant costs you money. Gregory Property Management has the goal of keeping your tenant in place.

Limiting Tenant Damage/Wear and Tear:

Our Inspection policy is designed to save you money on maintenance and repair. By inspecting the tenant after the first 90 days of their occupancy, and every 6 months after that, we can help a tenant take better care of your property and avoid some of the bad habits that will result in excessive wear and tear to your property.

Controlling Repairs & Maintenance:

We have a strong background in home construction and household systems. When a tenant calls with a repair request, this background helps us to determine what type of a repair is needed. Based upon years of experience: Do we need an expensive specialty contractor or a less expensive Handyman. We save our property owners hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars every year on repairs and maintenance.

Interested in property management?
Contact us at 425-908-7989 or click below to request a FREE rental estimate.